Participation Guide & Everything you didn't realize you didn't know about BHS Cross Country...
Traveling & Transportation
Away Meets: Some meets are "stay until the last event is contested" and some are "leave after you've done a cooldown from your last event". This will be posted for every meet. Parents/Guardians may take their athlete(s) home after the team mtg at the end of a meet but may not take other athletes unless it has been pre-arranged through paperwork (in the the athletic office). The bus will leave from Ron Cox Rd in front of the southwest gate (snack bar). Our departure time allows time for travel to the meet and no less than one hour before the first event. It is District Policy to provide transportation Tue - Fri (No Saturday transportation will be provided). If a meet is less than 20 miles from BHS, there will be a drop-only service (parents will need to pick up athletes at the conclusion of the meet). FOR SAFETY & LEGAL PURPOSES, Coaches cannot arrange transportation when we do not provide a bus. Please see the schedule for days that may happen. We will communicate this with the athletes when we go over the week's schedule, but it is the parent’s responsibility to check the schedule on the website and ensure their athlete has transportation.
Regarding transportation in the instance that transportation is not provided: it is the responsibility of the student and their guardian to determine the mode of transportation when it is not provided or when we do not require athletes to ride the bus. While there is no explicit policy prohibiting athletes from driving themselves or riding with others, this decision lies with the student and their guardian.
Our District's Athletic policy stipulates that transportation is not provided to venues within a 20-mile radius from the school, and there is no guaranteed provision for transportation on Saturdays (with a few exceptions). We have several meets in both Cross Country and Track where transportation is not provided or is only provided one way.
While it is emphasized that athletes should not ride with another athlete unless both sets of parents/guardians are informed, this is not something we actively monitor and enforce. Please have a conversation with your athlete about your rules regarding transportation.
Form for Transportation
Team Pictures-- Order Form